Web design & development

The website of a firm is a vital part of the consumer experience. It is not only a reflection of the brand's identity, but it is also a critical way of generating leads and engaging users; that is, when it provides consumers with an experience that matches their expectations and uses.

Customers and consumers now want to be able to access the same content and services at all of a brand’s touchpoints, including the website, mobile app, POS interactive display and voice assistant. Certain sectors in particular have been shaken up by market newcomers that perfectly achieve this aim by addressing the customer journey in its entirety.

In recent years, using a DXP (Digital Experience Platform) has been the best way to meet these challenges. More than a CMS (Content Management System), a DXP covers several digital touchpoints (such as the website and mobile app) and ensures continuity of the user experience.

We design and develop user-centric Digital Experience Platforms that are based on a high-performing, solid and upgradeable technical foundation. We assist you at all stage of your project to help you design the solution that is best suited to your users and requirements.


Our value proposition

Assistance at all stage of your website creation project

Our experts assist you throughout your project’s value chain by combining Experience Design with technological excellence.

  • Consultancy and strategy: guide the digital approach according to the global strategy
  • Scoping and design: define the vision for the platform and design the experience
  • Development and testing: develop functionalities and perform continuous testing
  • Maintenance: guarantee service continuity and ensure continuous improvement
  • Performance: define and measure results indicators

A partner with market leaders

We have developed expertise in various CMS and front-end solutions (Drupal, Angular, Ibexa, Acquia, Symfony, etc.), as well as mobile development technologies, such as Ionic and React Native, in order to be able to build the solution that best fits your needs.

We work in close collaboration with our partners Acquia, Ibexa, platform.sh, New Relic and Opquast. We have carried out more than 50 projects with Ibexa, a long-standing publisher of CMS and DXP solutions. More than 30 specialists are on hand to assist you with your experience platform deployment projects. Having jointly completed projects worth €5 M in 2020, we work with Acquia to create and implement DXP and site factory solutions.

A quality and accessibility-oriented approach

In order to ensure compliance of the solutions we design with best Web practices, more than 100 SQLI employees have been certified by Opquast, creator of a web quality reference system. One of our teams’ core concerns is to design web services for the widest possible audience, providing quality content in all usage conditions.

Our partners

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