Web development and design

The website of a company is an important aspect of the consumer experience. It not only reflects the brand's identity and raises its profile, but it's also an important way to generate leads and engage users. This is contingent on it providing users with an experience that matches their expectations and usage patterns.

Customers and customers desire the same content and services across all of a brand's touchpoints, including the website, mobile app, POS interactive display, and voice assistant. Certain industries, in particular, have been upended by industry newcomers who have perfected this goal by addressing the complete client lifecycle.

In recent years, the ideal method to handle these challenges has been to use a DXP (Digital Experience Platform). A DXP is more than a content management system; it encompasses numerous digital touchpoints (such as the website and mobile app) and provides user experience continuity.

We provide user-centric Digital Experience Platforms built on a high-performing, stable, and upgradeable technical foundation. We work with you at every level of your project to help you build the optimal solution for your users and requirements.

At every level of your website development project, we'll be there to help.

By integrating Experience Design with technological expertise, our professionals assist you along the value chain of your project.

  • Consultancy and strategy: align the digital strategy with the overall plan
  • Scoping and design: determine the platform's vision and experience design
  • Development and testing: create functionalities and test them on a regular basis
  • Service continuity and continual improvement are ensured through maintenance
  • Define and track key performance indicators

A market leader's partner

We've honed our skills in a variety of CMS and front-end solutions (Drupal, Angular, Ibexa, Acquia, Symfony, and others), as well as mobile development technologies like Ionic and React Native, so we can create the ideal solution for you.

Acquia, Ibexa, platform.sh, New Relic, and Opquast are some of our partners with whom we collaborate closely. With Ibexa, a long-standing publisher of CMS and DXP systems, we've completed over 50 projects. More than 30 experts are available to help you with your platform deployment tasks. We collaborate with Acquia to develop and execute DXP and site factory solutions, having completed projects worth €5 million together in 2020.

A method that prioritizes quality and accessibility

More than 100 SQLI staff have been certified by Opquast, the originator of a web quality reference system, to assure conformity of the solutions we design with best Web practices. One of our teams' main goals is to create web services that appeal to the broadest potential audience while delivering high-quality information under all conditions.

Meet our Web specialists!

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