Custom applications & configurators

Your digital presence is crucial for your business, but how can you distinguish yourself from your competition, and have a more efficient business workflow? Web applications, configurators and custom apps are a great way to engage your audience, gather data you can use to improve on all aspects of your business (sales, marketing, delivery, etc.), and improve your digital transformation.

Our approach

Our expert team

The SQLI expert team of developers is ready to sit down with you and create some custom solutions, just for you. If you can dream it, we can develop it.

"Don’t find customers for your products, find products for your customers."

Seth Godin

Custom-made always fits best

Custom-made applications are one of the ways to improve efficiency within your company; it makes for faster and more efficient processes, which benefit your employees, and your customers.

At SQLI we were lucky to help many of our existing customers with a custom-made application – in Symfony and Drupal, whether it was a newsletter feature to simplify broker newsletters for AG Insurance, organizing orders and stock in a nifty tool for Unilin Panels, or just combining every packaging option in one unified system, ready at the click of a button from an AB Inbev employee. Not to mention the time and money our client SWDE saved because we implemented forms, cutting down time for their customer support. Increasing efficiency by investing so you spend less in the long run; let’s see how we can do that for you.

(Con)figuring out customers

Customers are always on the lookout for brands who take their product to them, which is why configurators are such a good way to make your product or service tangible. The opportunity to gather customer data in the process, which you can use to take your business to the next level, is a bonus.

Let us know which product or service you would like to take closer to your target audience, and we’ll let our creative developers come up with something to wow them. Did someone say 3D? Check: we did one for Izen, so their sales team could simulate how many solar panels could fit on any given customer’s roof. Financial simulator? Of course, just look at the loan simulator we developed and integrated seamlessly into the existing Wilink website. What challenge do you have for us?

'Appy customers, happy businesses

But that’s not all we can do. With increasing gamification on social media and other platforms, custom games and apps are good addition to your digital strategy. They increase engagement and can spice up any online and offline campaign. Good for data gathering and adding to your customer analytics. In the past we developed games for AG Insurance, Tissot, and others. Send us your idea, and the game is afoot: our developers cannot wait to put their digital native knowledge and experience to good use.

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