Data & Insights

We help you make the most of your data! Why? So you can be the company that adds value to your customers and partners thanks to: setting up reliable Business Intelligence and Data Visualization solutions, supporting your Master Data Management projects and implementing unified customer data solutions.

Our findings 

Unstructured, siloed data 

With the rise of Big Data and digitalization, companies are now gathering and storing more and more data either for regulatory, sales analysis, consumer knowledge or business steering purposes. 

However, within the organization this data is frequently unstructured, old, insufficient or improperly exploited and distributed. Now more than ever, having full control of your data is crucial to provide the best customer and employee experience, and satisfy their expectations in terms of personal data use and security. Furthermore, companies are becoming increasingly worried about their environmental impact. They are more and more aware of the pollution caused by unwanted or underutilized data. 

  • How can companies manage and centralize their data effectively? 

  • What solution should they implement to allow employees to exploit and analyze data? 

  • How can reference data be structured and controlled? 

  • How can you implement a true data quality approach? 

  • How can you use data to improve the customer experience? 

Our approach 

Define your data vision 

Without quality data, it's impossible to develop highly personalized experiences. On all channels and in all processes, the ability to work with rich and 100% accurate data is critical. We can assist your business in defining its data vision and strategy: from decision-making to predictive analysis. 

Get in touch and let us provide the platform and tools you need to grow your business. 

A cross-cutting vision of data 

With our cross-cutting vision of data, we can manage all its aspects, from the decisional (BI) to the predictive (AI). Our data management consultants are here to support you throughout all your data challenges: 

  • Responding to new user habits for the benefit of your customers and employees 

  • Improving data visualization to speed up decision-making 

  • Making users more and more self-sufficient to go further and faster  

  • Making maintenance easier and saving money by moving to cloud computing 

Support throughout the value chain 

To back up our commitments and meet our clients' needs, we provide a step-by-step strategy. 

We frame your project to assist you to understand the effort needed, whether in terms of organization, planning or budget. Furthermore, we also organize workshops to analyze the best solution together. We have a range of skills in a variety of data aspects. That’s why we can help you get a complete picture of data management. 

Discover our data & insights services

Building a digital way to visualize your goals and data? Step one: make it understandable and accessible. At SQLI we offer you our service for data visualization. No more losing time by plodding through the analytics!


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Marketing and data are thick as thieves. One does not perform at its best without the other. Today, the internet is a crowded space so it's easy to waste resources on things that don’t work. Thanks to complex and deep learning algorithms we can optimize the ROI if you make it through the big data. However, a lot of marketers don’t like to dig into the big pile. Luckily, our performance team is thrilled to help you understand and analyze!


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Many companies in different industries are facing challenges related to managing their business data. Hence, business data can be an untapped resource that may potentially deliver business value so why no create a single source of truth?


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Having enormous amounts of customer data from an ever-growing number of (digital) channels, but still unable to collect, analyze and use it? Customer Data Platforms (CDP) solved one of the biggest limitations to omnichannel and personalized experiences: siloed data. It’s time to use the CDP and start improving your customer experience and the efficiency and effectiveness of your marketing costs. Let’s get in touch!


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