Experience platforms

Want to provide relevant and consistent experiences to your customers? Create rich and personalized digital experiences by designing and developing websites, customer portal solutions and mobile apps.

What we’ve found for you

Offering a personalized experience: the stakes are high

Most current consumers use more than one channel during their purchasing experience.

If not handled centrally, multiplying points of contact (mostly websites and mobile applications) can harm the customer experience. A lack of uniform visual identity or inconsistent content between the website and its mobile version, degraded features on the website's mobile version, poor synchronization of customer data gathered across different channels and much more, need to be addressed to make sure the experience is as optimal as possible.

  • How can your website and mobile app provide a cohesive experience?
  • How can you make the customer experience more personalized?
  • What technical solution should you implement to offer high-quality content in any circumstance?
  • How can you adjust users’ needs to increase their loyalty?

Our approach

Give only the best experiences

Every day, we strive to (re)connect customers with brands.

We design sets of solutions that are tailored to your company’s requirements and performance objectives. We empower you to deliver rich and personalized digital experiences for your customers, employees, and partners. This at any time and in any place.

“We chose SQLI to be our partner in overhauling our platform. We can clearly see a before and after. The new platform meets the mobile-oriented use expected by users, and also provides a better experience for users browsing, selecting and ordering products. In addition to a considerably improved user experience, we have a stable, robust and sustainable platform.” »

Matthieu Pellet Chief Digital Officer, Intersport

Multidisciplinary teams

We consider not just your visibility, development, and turnover concerns, but also your organizational limits. All this with the user at the heart of our approach.

Our project teams include experts in UX/UI, SEO, architecture, online and mobile development, Agile development, and testing, ensuring that you receive complete support to cover all your issues.


The user at the heart of our designs 

For us, it is primary to involve end users from the beginning of every project whether they are customers, employees, or partners. Thanks to combining our know-how in experience design, user experience and change management, we can understand their needs and provide solutions to their challenges.

As a result, web projects are developed using the Design Thinking methodology, co-created by our design teams and technical experts. This method, in addition to putting users at the center of the web project, has the added benefit of prioritizing and rationalizing developments, avoiding design choices that will never see the light of day owing to technical unfeasibility.

Discover our experience platform services

A company website is an important aspect of the customer experience. Not only does it reflect the brand’s identity, but it is an essential means of generating leads and engaging users; when it offers users an experience that is in line with their expectations and uses, that is.


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The internet presence of a company has become inseparable from its brand image. Nowadays, users have high expectations of the ease with which they can navigate and interact with digital systems. This component is heavily influenced by the website's technical performance: pauses in your website's availability or long loading times are extremely damaging in terms of conversions, brand image and even your search engine rankings.


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Your digital presence is crucial for your business, but how can you distinguish yourself from your competition, and have a more efficient business workflow? Web applications, configurators and custom apps are a great way to engage your audience, gather data you can use to improve on all aspects of your business (sales, marketing, delivery, etc.), and improve your digital transformation.


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Smartphones are an essential touchpoint for reaching out to a variety of populations. Companies nowadays are fully aware, however, that having a mobile strategy does not necessary imply creating a mobile app as it is not always the most relevant way to meet the expected use.


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As a business you are looking to build brand loyalty and increase and your sales, and this in the most time-efficient way possible. Optimize your digital marketing strategy with personalization features brought to you by marketing automation, across all your digital platforms and customer databases.


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