Redbox hosts Christmas party for the children of Les Amis de Don Bosco

On Saturday 7th December, Redbox, together with Gibson & Hills, hosted a very special Christmas event for the children of the Les Amis de Don Bosco shelter.

The party was held to show the children, many of whom are orphans, the true meaning of Christmas and to let them know that there are people who care. As everyone came together to celebrate the festive holiday season, Redbox and Gibson & Hills made sure that it was an unforgettable event for all.

Les Amis de Don Bosco is a shelter based in Baie du Tombeau for children aged 6-12.  It provides everything they need to grow and to experience a fun and healthy childhood. The children are incredibly impressionable and this made the party that much more important as, at this crucial age in their development, a little kindness and caring can go a long way.

Experiencing Redbox and the big man himself

The party was held at Redbox’s Mauritius office.  It gave the children a chance to see just what it is the Redbox team does and hopefully spark their interest in a career in web design. Many of the children got to learn how a computer works and how a website is designed, as well as enjoying face painting, games and a live magic show.  Father Christmas paid a special visit and handed out gifts - it was joy to see the children's faces light up when Santa walked in the room.

An annual event for Redbox Digital and Gibson & Hills Les Amis de Don Bosco

The Redbox Digital and Gibson & Hills Les Amis de Don Bosco Christmas party will be held annually so we can see just how much the children have progressed in their lives and to give them something to look forward to.  Other events and fundraising activities are being planned in 2020 for the Shelter and other great charities – it's something the Redbox team feel very passionate about.

Kavi Boodhun is the country manager for Redbox in Mauritius. He heads the company's Centre of Excellence and support operations in the region.