Digital Marketing & Design

We are a creative design consultancy, experienced in generating aesthetic and commercial impact for retailers in lifestyle, fashion, luxury and other industries.

We position your business within the market to deliver the outcomes that are strategically most important to you whether that’s engagement, conversion or shock appeal.

Our team of consultants work with you using a range of techniques we’ve developed over 20+ years, to align the look, feel and experience of your business with the right creative and strategic direction. 

We also add our own ideas, energy and flair over and above what you come to us with. As a result, you walk away with a strong, powerful, and effective identity and direction. 

Three things to note:

  1. We recognise that optimisation of the end-to-end user experience is all about conversion. 
  2. We have a wealth of experience making brands look good and enabling them to stand out.
  3. We come up with ideas for our customers that are surprising, energising, and valuable.

Our approach

Our design approach has five core principles: 

  • We design beautiful commerce experiences that positively project your brand to consumers. We understand that commerce sites stand or fall on their commercial success.
  • A consumer experiences a retail business through its products, brand, and services. We present yours in the best possible light to thrill, engage and convert consumers. 
  • How a site works is just as important as how it looks. Searching, finding and buying products needs to be enjoyable. 
  • We believe in “invisible design” where visitors are only aware of your brand and products.
  • Design and technology must mesh seamlessly. That’s why our design team works in lockstep with our technical architects and developers to create a superior user experience.

Digital Marketing

There are many challenges involved in digital marketing and design: How do you improve your brand experience? How do you boost your traffic acquisition? How do you capture new leads? How do you win over users to your service? How do you transform them into loyal customers?

Across the SQLI group, we have extensive experience in devising and implementing targeted digital marketing and content strategies to boost traffic on your website, retain visitors, turn prospects into customers and increase your sales.

And we understand the importance of SEO. Our web analytics experts can help you accurately measure the performance of each campaign, communications action and visit, using A/B testing (Conversion Rate Optimisation) and continuous optimisation methodologies to grow your sales and improve your marketing ROI.

We can help you to:  

  • Set up an SEO strategy (natural referencing) for search engines 
  • Develop Search Engine Advertising (SEA) on Google Ads or Bing Ads to increase the visibility of your website in search engine results pages
  • Create both outbound (emails) and inbound (content) marketing campaigns, combined with the use of a CRM tool

Built on our 20+ years in consultancy, we conduct our creative discovery process using inspiring workshops and meetings that help us thoroughly understand and absorb your business and vision.

We analyse and advise on the entire customer journey, dive into the analytics and suggest inventive UX and design solutions to achieve your aims.

Our experienced designers conduct a brand workshop to understand the visual language required to achieve your aims, including the visual makeup of your brand and site.

Our creative design team is involved throughout the key stages of site construction, particularly Quality Assurance. That way we can ensure the vision you signed up to is delivered with veracity and accuracy.

We are a creative agency that delivers above and beyond the design of the website. We also have experience delivering highly effective and innovative content including copy, photography and video.

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