Creative Discovery

Our Creative Discovery process enables us to really get under the skin of your business so we can develop a proposition that is creative, technical and importantly, commercial.

Our Creative Discovery framework is built and honed over our 20+ years of experience in consultancy. And through the process, we get to listen to you and explore ideas together.

Our Creative Discovery process usually starts with thought-provoking workshops and meetings that help us to understand and absorb your business and vision.   We get to know your reason for being, the essence of your products and why customers choose to buy from you. 

It’s also an opportunity for you to talk in a structured but open environment so we can pursue creative impulses together.

Following this, we can recommend strategic avenues to advance, and explore the full spectrum of creative elements that will progress the business and its brand - from typography and photography to illustrations, art direction and production.

Our approach

We break the discovery down into a series of meeting to:

  • Understand the project’s key objectives and how this project will achieve them
  • Understand key commercial objectives and the volume of transactions required to achieve them
  • Understand key user tasks and journeys
  • Understand the core appeal of the brand and its products
  • Absorb the client’s vision
  • Understand how the business differentiates itself from its competitors - and the retail strategy that will further enhance its competitive advantage
  • Define a clear scope of work for the creative process in as much detail as possible, by reviewing the site map and pages required
  • Estimate the work required to deliver the creative project
  • Outline how the next stage of design will work
