Visual Design

Visual Design

The visual makeup of your brand speaks volumes to consumers.

With it you can communicate subtle messages about quality, or lifestyle. Our experienced designers conduct a brand workshop to understand the visual language required to achieve your objectives, including the visual makeup of your brand, site and products. 

Think of it as decorating your site architecture. The right visual design can signpost your services, helping people to walk around your online shop and find products.

Our creative experts know intuitively how to communicate your values and qualities through the finer points of visual design. We consider and consult on the pure aesthetic experience. Brand. Colour. Typography. Imagery and graphics. The front-end customer interactions: the way the pages move or blend, and the subtleties of interactive signposts.

Our approach

  • Overall brand architecture to communicate mood and style
  • Logos and icons
  • Fonts and typography
  • Approach to photography and imagery
  • Inspiration
  • Vision
  • Resulting in an agreed creative brief
