Oliversweeney.com launches as the first Magento Cloud site.

We're thrilled to announce the launch of the first EMEA Magento Enterprise Cloud site for Oliver Sweeney

The ecommerce site successfully deployed yesterday following the announcement of the project at Magento Live UK.

Oliver Sweeney first in EMEA on Magento Enterprise Cloud

At Magento Live UK, Oliver Sweeney spoke about their reasons for choosing Magento Enterprise Cloud instead of a third party cloud option. “The biggest thing for the Cloud Edition is that everything is in one place, from the AWS system to the latest version of Magento to the management tools, all included out-of-the-box,” said Alex Barbier, Digital Marketing Director of Oliver Sweeney. “The way our website runs is just as important as in-store customer service. We needed a platform that we could not only easily scale up if required but we could also customise to our brand. The website is our virtual shop front, and we felt that Magento’s offering was best suited all of those needs."

Read more on Magento Enterprise Cloud Edition here.

Redbox Digital ideal partnership

The British menswear brand, founded in 1989, recently looked to re-platform their site and chose Magento as the best ecommerce solution for their needs and turned to Redbox for implementation.

When looking for an agency to partner with, Oliver Sweeney decided to go with Redbox Digital for a number of reasons. "We wanted an agency who's the right size for our business, people who are reactive. It was also very important for us to have a development team based in London" said their Digital Marketing Director, Alex Barbier, "as well as their great credentials, one of the reasons (we chose them) as well, was that Redbox were partners with Magento for Magento 2."

Magento 2 for the long run

When it came down to choosing a Magento platform, Magento 2 Enterprise Edition was the obvious choice for Oliver Sweeney. “In terms of Magento 2, the reason we went with it instead of 1, is that obviously, we want the platform to be up and running for at least 5 years. We had the feeling that if we used Magento 1, we would have had to re-platform down the line so we said ok, the timing is about right” commented Alex Barbier.

As well as the launch of the site on Magento Enterprise Cloud Edition, we are looking to grow the brand's site in line with their long-term omnichannel vision. Oliver Sweeney's website will soon be implementing our Click and Collect module as well as integrating an iPad point-of-sale system in their stores, down the line.