Migrating to Magento 2? This Magento Live UK talk is for you

Are you in the midst of migrating data from Magento 1 to 2? 

Perhaps from Community edition to Enterprise edition? Are you facing difficulties preserving the information? Redbox’s talk at Magento Live UK 2016 is where you need to be.

Marcin Szterling and Max Bucknell, developers at Redbox, faced these specific challenges on a recent project for an international retailer as they made the huge upgrade from Magento Community 1.3 to Magneto Enterprise 2.0. This meant migrating the information of over 100,000 loyal customers and over 400,000 products with data which was at times seven years old.

Despite Magento having plenty of helpful material to walk you through the migration process and an established migration tool, hearing it from developers who have been through the process firsthand is invaluable.

The half-hour presentation, which includes a live demonstration, will walk people through best practices on successfully migrating your data and will include the topics:

  • The cost of upgrading
  • The risks of re-platforming
  • What should be migrated
  • The migration process
  • Migrating from M1 to M2 and Community to Enterprise
  • When to conduct your migration
  • The tools used to perform this migration
  • Sampling and cleaning your data

Who should attend this talk? It turns out you do not have to be fluent in JavaScript, XML, PHP or any other developer acronyms to participate in this presentation. Perhaps you’re a store owner, and you’re worried about data migration or you’re interested in upgrading to Magento 2. Maybe you’re a developer who is about to embark on this exact part of the project but unsure how to proceed or even a project manager concerned with tracking the problems and costs of such a migration. This talk is technical but has value for everyone.

Marcin and Max’s presentation will be held on the second day of Magento Live UK 2016 at the Park Plaza, Westminster Bridge on Tuesday, June 21st 11.30am, in the Plaza 1 room. If you haven't already done so, you can register here.