Magento 2.1: The update for Merchandisers and Marketers

Magento recently released their latest update, Magento 2.1

Magento 2.1, with your merchandisers and marketers in mind. After the announcement and release of Magento 2.0, the platform providers set out to release updates every quarter, with this being the first one.

So what are the new features of Magento Enterprise Edition 2.1?

Content Staging and Preview

Want to see into the future? Now you can.

Content staging and preview is the key feature which makes this upgrade stand out. The new staging and preview features allow your merchandising and marketing teams to plan ahead without the hassle of a staging server. The staging and preview feature allows your team to plan promotions in a calendar and even view what the homepage, product page, promotional codes and checkout will look like as well as live test them ahead of time. In addition to this, your team can share links for the staged content internally to other team members for reviews and approvals.

The best part is that the update allows the creative teams to improve their efficiency, implement site change and promotion all without involving the IT team.

Finally, updates are automatically published and removed at the scheduled times, so you don't have to worry about them once set.

Magento 2.1 Staging and Preview

PayPal Enhancement

Another attractive feature of Magento 2.1 is the new PayPal same page view feature. It allows a more seamless checkout experience for the customer as PayPal users no longer have to leave the website to complete the payment.

Now, upon checkout, the PayPal window opens as an overlay on the webpage. This simple upgrade allows for faster checkouts. Repeat purchases are also an advantage as now the credit card information of PayPal users is safely stored.

New Elasticsearch 

The new Elasticsearch feature allows shoppers to find what they need with better search technology. Search options also includes the ability to use synonyms.  Elasticsearch uses the latest open source search technology to give merchants the ability to handle large catalogs without any issues. This feature is especially useful for allowing for easy scalability as your brand keeps growing.

You can get more details on Magento 2.1 information by also watching the full merchant webinar.