Inside view of Carlsberg bar

Carlsberg OnTrak

One more...contract, please!

Desktop/tablet screenshot of Carlsberg OnTrak

About Carlsberg

Being part of one of the world's largest brewery groups has many benefits, but being a large corporation also has its drawbacks. Carlsberg has been operating since 1847 and employs over 40 000 people worldwide who are dedicated to delivering the world's largest beverage portfolio to market in over 150 countries.

And so it begins ...

When brewer J.C Jacobsen began developing his empire over 170 years ago, he was likely less concerned with digital solutions and more concerned with how to keep track of his clients, orders, and contracts in order to run a profitable business. Of course, this is still a fundamental need for Carlsberg's operations, but with a lot more digital approach that is appropriate for a firm that has expanded and developed impressively since those early days.

Carlsberg needed a digital tool to support their sales force and help them operate more efficiently when our paths crossed. Everything from sales presentations, agreements, quotations, margins, and prices to data and analytics had to be digitized and structured. At the time, all assets were dispersed across a variety of systems, posing hurdles for a sales team that yearned for a centralized system.

Getting the project OnTrak

Of course, we were delighted to assist and teamed up with the Carlsberg team to develop an image of what sort of tool we should construct in order to maximize Carlsberg's ROI while also completing the project in a reasonable amount of time. We all decided to start working together in creative workshops to define the scope of our MVP and brainstorm all of the potential improvements that came up. In brief, we completed a pre-study that gave us a clear path for developing a personalized solution in the future. It should clearly fulfill two major business needs in addition to providing an outstanding tool:

  • Carlsberg now has a greater understanding of their business and contracts, as well as the ability to track them through time.
  • Certain that the new solution will seamlessly integrate into Carlsberg's existing digital ecosystem

As a consequence of our collaborative efforts, we were able to lay a solid foundation for developing a new contract management system, OnTrak, which now provides the sales force with the capabilities they require. OnTrak is a fully self-contained platform that takes data from a variety of sources and integrates it with Carlsberg's Enterprise Resource Management system SAP to provide the sales force with the most up-to-date customer and product information. Instead of wasting time looking for information, staff may now use the new online interface to calculate new agreements in a fraction of the time.

Apart from performing computations, they can also send them for approval or denial as part of a smart decision chain, ensuring that all levels of management are aware of their team's performance.

OnTrak effortlessly adapts to the correct market, language, decision chains, legislation, and so on, regardless of where you are geographically based. The solution is adaptable not just in terms of geography, but also in terms of devices and platforms. For a multinational corporation like Carlsberg, a flexible solution is essential.

- You get an overview over the costs and discount. It gives us a completeness over the whole deal, so close to the truth you can get. It helps me in my everyday job.

Sales representative Carlsberg Group

"If you want to use it, you will use it."

So, what did the sales crew have to say? What was the reaction to OnTrak? In this project, the rule of thumb "If you want to use it, you will use it" has proven to be accurate. The technology is now widely used throughout the sales force, making OnTrak's implementation a huge success.

OnTrak is highly valued by managers, as it enables them to be far more effective in their continuous improvement efforts.

- Before OnTrak was launched the sales teams were struggling with outdated digital solutions, but since the tool has become a natural part of our everyday work we can see a major positive change. The sales teams have gained much better control over their contracts and can be more efficient when it comes to both running and prioritizing among our agreements. Since the tool is now connected with SAP we can be much more efficient in our follow up on expected vs actual sales outcome as well, which has been much appreciated. Our managers have gained a much better overview of the current sales situation which helps them to continually improve performance.

Nicole Goessel Solution Owner – Commercial, Carlsberg Group

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