Data & Insights

Make the most of your data to provide more value for your customers and partners with our support in setting up Business Intelligence, Data Visualization, MDM solutions or implementing your data modernization and cloud computing strategies.

Our finding

Unstructured, siloed data

With the rise of Big Data and digitalization, companies are now collecting and storing more and more data, either for regulatory, sales analysis, consumer knowledge, or business steering purposes.

However, this data is too often unstructured, obsolete, insufficient or poorly exploited and distributed within the company. Now more than ever, having full control of your data is crucial to providing the best customer and employee experience and meeting their expectations in terms of personal data use and security. Furthermore, companies are increasingly concerned about their impact on the environment: they are more and more aware of the pollution caused by unused or poorly exploited data.

  • How can companies better centralize and govern their data?
  • What solution should they implement to allow employees to exploit and analyze data?
  • How can reference data be structured and controlled? - How can you implement a true data quality approach?
  • How can you use data to improve the customer experience?


Our approach

You cannot create highly personalized experiences without quality data. It is essential to be able to work with data that is rich and 100% accurate on all channels and in all processes.

We can help your company define its data vision and strategy—from decision making to predictive analysis.

We provide the platform and tools to grow your business.

A cross-cutting vision of data

With our cross-cutting vision of data, we are able to manage all of its aspects, from the decisional (BI) to the predictive (AI). Our data management consultants are here to accompany you in all your data challenges: 

  • Reacting to new use habits for the benefit of your customers and employees
  • Improving data visualization to speed up decision making
  • Making users more and more self-sufficient to go further and faster
  • Making maintenance easier and saving money by moving to cloud computing

Support throughout the value chain

We propose a step-by-step approach to back up our commitments and meet our customers’ needs.

We frame your project to help you understand the effort needed, whether in terms of organization, planning or budget. We also organize workshops to analyze the best solution together. We have a range of skills in a variety of data aspects, so we can guide you to a complete view of data management.


Our products and services

Design, development, maintenance and coaching for your business intelligence or data viz project
[Lien vers la page Business Intelligence / DataViz]

Support in overhauling your organization and methods to improve data systems’ efficiency. Support in migrating an on-premise system to a hybrid or full-Cloud system
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360° support in defining the best strategy for your MDM or PIM project
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Turn your data & analytics into meaningful, measurable insights, so you can save time and money
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Help you ensure the high-quality data across your organization to meet compliance regulations, enable omnichannel commerce, improve product information in your commerce, increase the efficiency in your operations or reduce time to market
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Data management made easy with Artificial intelligence and automation. Ensure data quality and consistency in a more efficient manner for your organization
[Lien vers la page automation & ai for data management]

Assist firms develop their data vision and strategy, from decision making through predictive analytics
[Lien vers la page Data Science]

Consulting and support on Data governance, Data security, Data architecture, Data ingestion, Data vizualisation et Data Science
[Lien vers la page Big Data]

Create a Data and customer-driven strategy to grow your business through digital marketing and implement an efficient Customer Data Platform
[Lien vers la page Unified Customer Data]



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