Mobile solutions

Smartphones are an essential touchpoint to reach your various audiences. However, companies are now well aware that having a mobile strategy does not necessarily involve developing a mobile app.

Besides potentially adding another app to a mobile offering that may already be difficult for users to understand, it is not always the most relevant way to meet the expected use.

Putting the focus of your mobile strategy (back) on users is the key to bringing them the greatest value, ensuring seamless integration of mobile in the user journey and producing the best business performance. Elsewhere, the technological approach must be chosen in light of the use that users will make of the features provided, as well as the expected performances.


User-centric mobile systems

We take on board your acquisition, retention, user experience and, above all, ROI challenges, in order to target the right area and opt for the most relevant distribution channel.

End-to-end support

Our team supports you throughout your project’s value chain, in order to get the best of the user experience / cost / time-to-market trio.

Through the consultancy and strategy, followed by scoping and design phases, we can guide the mobile strategy based on the global strategy, as well as define the vision of the solution and design the experience. We then develop features and test their proper functioning. Next, we deploy production and ensure service continuity. Lastly, our marketing specialists help you promote the solution and measure performance.

An agnostic approach to technology

We choose the technology approach that best suits your needs: Progressive Web Application, hybrid or native. We identify the expected use and analyse your requirements in terms of performance, access, development, cost and time-to-market.

Meet our mobile experts!

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