Stay on top of your product information KPI:s

Stay on top of your product data enrichment work with SQLIs Inriver dashboard!



SQLI launches a new smart dashboard for inRiver PIM

In September 2020 a unique dashboard for inRiver PIM was launched by SQLI as part of the constant quest to help our customers work in a more smooth and cost effective way with their product information.

"- We saw an opportunity to help our customers fill out a missing piece in the current “out of the box” PIM-functionality inRiver offers by creating a complementary dashboard. The new solution helps an inRiver user to follow identified KPI:s in a very user friendly, customizable dashboard either on desktop or mobile”, El Mehdi Mozouna, Service Manager at SQLI explains.

After collecting data directly from inRiver PIM the dashboard can display it in simple charts and statistical components offering clear KPI:s about for example:

  • The global collaboration of the users in the PIM, in terms of modification and creation of new entities
  • The top 5 most active users in the PIM
  • The exact numbers of entities (product, skus, channels…) manipulated in the PIM, with a completeness and segmentation filters
  • Detailed data quality statistics per Key fields and languages
  • Monthly evolution graph of the configured entities

"- The dashboard can be used by both content managers and administrators of the PIM, as well as product managers and decision-makers. It offers live indicators which help the various users to accelerate time to market and facilitates a quick identification of lack in data quality and consistency helping you to make faster improvements”, Mehdi continues.

The dashboard is available on inRiver Marketplace and requires the IPMC-version of inRiver. There are no other requirements and it takes about 30 minutes to download.

Get your dashboard today!

Please contact us and we are happy to answer any questions and help you get started today.