
Easy Shipping Cost Calculator with ShipperHQ

Shipping is one of the many elements which a merchant has to get right to increase the chances of customers completing a purchase.

Whilst located at the end of the customer journey, it’s a critical part of the process that ensures clients receive the products they have ordered with transparent costs and could ultimately mean the difference between a sale and an abandoned cart.

According to, “unexpected costs” which include shipping, was revealed to be the number one reason for customer cart abandonment. 56% of clients stated this to be the primary factor in their decision to leave the buying process.

Shipping Costs Simplified with ShipperHQ

With so many shipping methods and couriers these days, it can be difficult to figure out which to choose and how to offer your customers accurate shipping costs and timeframes. This is when ShipperHQ comes in and does all the work for you, so you just have to worry about your products arriving looking their best.

We pick up inventory information from the merchant on how their warehouses and fulfilment centres work and we pull all of that information together so that we can generate on the fly shipping rates and options that they want to offer to their customers - Daniel Ziegler, Director of Partnerships at ShipperHQ

Around since 2008 on the Magento platform, Shipper HQ (formally known as WebShopApps) offers merchants a variety of solutions under one umbrella to facilitate multiple and flexible shipping options to best suit merchant's needs.

Initially offered as over 40 different extensions under WebShopApps, ShipperHQ launched in 2014 as a SaaS product to deliver the functionalities from all the extensions on a single platform. From dimensional rating to multi-origin shipping, merchants can customise their options in one place with a simple user interface. It also allows customers to grow their shipping options alongside the business.

“This is especially significant, because something that we saw with ShipperHQ that we hadn’t previously seen, was that merchants were able to take an incremental approach to what they were able to do in shipping,” said Daniel. “The whole idea of ShipperHQ is that as a merchant, you can come on board and essentially have a future proof system that grows with your company.”

Redbox and ShipperHQ

ShipperHQ recently worked with Redbox to deliver a project where the client required complex multi-country shipping, custom shipping costs per international location and delivery, 'Click and Collect' as well as same day delivery.

The shipping rates needed to be kept very simple and transparent for the customer so that they weren't overwhelmed with a lot of complexity on checkout but they were seeing the right options, the right rates at the right times - Daniel Ziegler, Director of Partnerships at ShipperHQ

Thanks to ShipperHQ, the merchant is able to manage complex pricing options whilst only showing the client the shipping information specific to their basket and items, without confusing the customers regardless of shipping origin or location which ultimately ensures the checkout process is as smooth as possible and no carts are abandoned.


We've been working with ShipperHQ since their days as WebShopApps on the Magento platform and have kept working together and suggesting them to clients as the best solution to shipping. They are simply the best at what they do - Jonty Sutton, CEO at Redbox

Interested in building the best digital commerce solution? Let's have a chat. Email us at [email protected]