Shopify E-commerce

En e-commerce with a business sense for beauty products.

Screenshots of Eleni & Chris


The Scandinavian beauty brand Eleni & Chris was founded by Inger Ellen and her daughter Christinah Nicolaisen. Their line of beauty products is based on natural and pure ingredients from the Scandinavian nature. Early in 2019, they decided to partner up with us at SQLI and to build their new e-commerce on the Shopify+ platform.

The challenge

Eleni & Chris came to us looking for help to redesign, increase usability and increase the traffic to their new site. The purpose was to increase conversion and to help elevate their brand online. A part of the challenge was also to deliver the new site within a tight deadline. 


It was important for Eleni & Chris that SQLI could work efficiently and reduce the time to market. The design should be characterized by the Nordic expression and feel simple and sophisticated. Eleni & Chris also needed help in increasing traffic to their e-commerce.


After fruitful workshops, together with the client, we’re able to start the project. Working on the Shopify platform made sure that the design work could run smoothly and that we early on could show the structure and flow of the new site. It all resulted in a highly appreciated e-commerce with a simplistic, clean and clear design – true to the brand's Scandinavian roots. 

Alongside the work with the new site, we also helped Eleni & Chris with their digital marketing. Better tracking tools were implemented and Facebook campaigns in multiple markets were created to help drive traffic.

SQLI delivered both within time and budget. They’re a partner who challenges us and contributes as a really good advisor.

Lauren Jensen Director of Sales and Marketing, Eleni & Chris


We were able to create a more user-friendly site for Eleni & Chris's own customers through an easy-to-navigate structure and clear product cards. The design is made of relevant blocks for the content of the products, which means that Eleni & Chris now can inspire their customers in a new way. Images with so-called "hotspots" and subtle animations make the site more selling. They are doing their digital marketing and have managed to increase traffic. In the end, we created an e-commerce that breathes Scandinavian style and positions their products in a sophisticated Northern Light that is worthy of the brand.