Customer journey

Customer Journey & User Experience

We analyse and advise on the entire customer journey, dive into the analytics and suggest inventive UX and design solutions to achieve your aims.

After all, customer Journey and UX can make or break a digital commerce site.

We focus on the specific interactions the customer has with the website and take your physical stores into account. We’ll look at the customer’s early interactions through to their final ones to track their awareness, engagement, conversion, and re-engagement.

Our assistance can be as straightforward as going through the website together with you. Or we can offer more complex customer journey mapping and consultancy, tracking in-site customer interactions on an action-by-action basis, including orientation, key user tasks, and analytics.

In addition, we offer an innovative whiteboarding exercise, exploring every potential avenue and consulting on the best options. We carry out our own customer journey mapping and produce a report. Or, on larger projects, we can involve your whole team and go page by page, action by action, to ensure yours and your customers’ expectations are met.

Our approach

  • Review key user tasks
  • Review analytics of traffic progress to and through the site
  • Create customer journey maps of the current experience and set them against ideal user journey maps
  • Suggest inventive UX and design solutions to help achieve your objectives