Redbox is announced as first Magento Order Management accredited partner at MLUK17

Another Magento Live UK came to a close last week, where merchants

Solution integrators, technology partners, developers and Magento lovers came together to share the latest and greatest in the Magento world, on this side of the Atlantic.

The 2017 edition was a particularly exciting one for the Redbox team, with various mentions across the two-day event. Our CEO, Jonty Sutton took the stage on two occasions to share insights into the latest omnichannel project for our client Universal Music Group, where we’ve been implementing Magento’s Order Management system (no longer called Magento Commerce Order Management or MCOM) across 1200 artist sites. The project, overseen in conjunction with Wagento and who are overseeing front-end development and infrastructure respectively, received a lot of attention as one of the first live implementations of Magento’s new omnichannel offering.

On the back of that presentation and the successful launch of this complex project, we were announced as the first Magento Order Management accredited partner for creating a dedicated MOM team in-house. The requirements from Magento to receive this kind of accreditation include having a dedicated Order Management team, at least four trained members, one successful Magento Order Management launch or 4 successful MOM launches in the last 18 months, which Redbox and the project fulfilled.

CEO Jonty Sutton talks about the Universal Music Group project at MLUK17

Jonty Sutton said of the accreditation: "We're always striving to do better for our clients and have built a reputation as early adopters of Magento's systems which we have successfully implemented. For the Order Management, we understood quickly that we had to create a dedicated team to take it on because we wanted to make sure we did it properly. We're happy that this strategy has shown results and our client is happy."

We even got a congratulatory tweet from Magento CEO Mark Lavelle!

In addition to this announcement, Digital Marketing Director, Alex Barbier, of our client Oliver Sweeney was presented with the Trailblazer Award for early adoption of Magento Enterprise Cloud Edition which was launched in 2016.

Alex Barbier of Oliver Sweeney receives the Trailblazer Award at MLUK17

Overall, we had a great time at Magento Live UK and look forward to Magento Live Europe next year in Barcelona! See you there for MLEUROPE18!

If you missed this year's events, you can catch up on all the action here.