Inside Redbox: meet Sheilen Manna (aka Nouch), release manager at Redbox Mauritius

In our regular feature, we interview the people behind Redbox. We ask what it’s like working for the company, what they’re most proud of, the challenges their role brings – as well as what makes them tick!  

Here we speak to Sheilen Manna – known as Nouch - Release Manager at Redbox Digital, Mauritius. 

What was your path to Redbox?

Like most people who work in IT, I fell in love with computers through gaming. I took a BSc in game development, before changing it to software engineering and I finally graduated with a BSc in system administration. 

Unusually, I then went on to study finance and recently completed an MSc in project management! The diversity of these subjects helped me see a wide variety of IT roles and learn about the industry as a whole. 

Can you tell us about your role now?

I’ve been working for Redbox as a Release Manager for two years now and was the first person in the role. 

There aren’t what I’d call a specific set of duties, but if a client wants to make a change or improvement to their site, it goes to production and then through me before going live. I’m the last link in the chain, ensuring everything has been signed off and all parties are happy with it. 

It’s a way of making the process as error-free as possible. I enjoy getting involved in new technology. There’s a lot of requests from clients wanting to try new platforms and software, so it is a very fast-moving area to be in. The exciting part is the ‘release’ - seeing the site go live and that the changes I have been a part of have all gone smoothly.

What makes you get up in the morning?

I was married in February, so I have to say it’s my wife! But the thrill of learning new things every day is the part of the job I love the most. There is so much amazing tech out there now and the industry is constantly evolving, it’s really exciting.

What achievements are you most proud of since working here?

Firstly, it was about setting a framework that my colleagues trust now. They had to have confidence in the structure and be able to sell this way of working into the clients. It really makes me proud to see it working so well.

From the first day in my job, my goal was to execute and achieve quick and seamless deliveries for my clients and I feel as though I have achieved this.  I have helped our biggest clients move on to Magento 2 and the integrated platforms for order exports, so I would count these as major successes. To have these executed well and have the clients happy with the work and process, is something to be proud of.

Are there any major challenges in your role?

Beating the routine of the role. There’s a lot of paperwork in my role and lots of chasing people to get things done. It can be a challenge to try to make those sides of the role interesting, but I know there’s an end goal that is rewarding.

Any common questions from clients?

At Redbox each client is unique with different requests, but my most common question is ‘How many release slots do I have a month?’ Everyone wants to know how many changes they can make, as they see things they like on other sites or come up with new ways of making things work on their own site and want the changes made as soon as possible. The whole industry is very fast-moving in that way.

Away from work, what have been your biggest achievements?

I would say building a house and getting married at the same time. It has been quite hectic, but finally with the help of my family and colleagues we got there!  I am also really passionate about cars and big engines and to work on some car projects with my dad and complete them, was pretty amazing.

Do you have a motto you live your life by?

Be a beast and live life 200% or more

If you could pick one piece of advice to pass on – what would it be?

Self-confidence is key - you need to believe in yourself. Combine that with hard-work and determination and there is nothing you can't achieve.