How has Technology Changed the way you Shop?

It doesn't take a leading Ecommerce agency to notice that the world of retail is undergoing a radical shift in buyer preferences.

The Omnichannel age is upon us and customers are blending their online and in-store experiences to get themselves the best experience and the greatest value.

Retailers can take advantage of this turning tide by changing their approach to greater involve the digital aspect, in-store technology, apps, beacons and personalised offers are all means to creating an Omnichannel strategy, but before these can be properly employed, retailers need to understand the environment into which they are moving.

The Mastercard Omnishopper project recently surveyed 10,000 customers over eleven countries to greater understand how customer habits are shifting. One of their results showed how in-store shopping has become more about the experience of shopping rather than the necessity of value or the availability of specific goods.

Things like being able to receive the product instantly and being able to talk directly to a sales supervisor in an informal and casual setting is what really separates in-store shopping from the online experience, and these are differences which should be celebrated with a new Omnichannel strategy which includes technology into the shopping experience.

Regarding technology, the report also indicates how technology has influenced the way in which people approach in-store shopping. A high proportion of people will do their browsing at home, on devices and laptops, before even approaching the high street.

Customers today are visiting far fewer retailers in a shopping trip than they did just a few years ago. These shoppers are knowledgeable, well informed, commercially savvy and connected to all of a retailer's competitors, so to attract them you need to not only present the best value, but also the best experience. An experience which integrates technology into the buying experience, and makes information on products and services transparent.

In the emerging market, an in-store strategy is of equal importance to an online strategy, both must interact and integrate to provide customers with an experience which is fluid, intuitive and most importantly, mobile.

To see how Redbox Digital integrates technology into their retail strategies, browse our blog pages, or contact us today.