Ebay sells Enterprise Ecommerce tech portfolio, including Magento Community and Enterprise

The Ebay Ecommerce technology portfolio, which includes Magento Community and Enterprise,

The most widely used Ecommerce platform on the planet, has this week been sold to a group of investors for $925million.

The move has been made after Ebay shifted its focus back to its core marketplace, with the sale expected to complete in the last quarter of 2015.

Despite the shake up, market experts are optimistic about the move which they believe will result in greater focus being paid to the Magento platform overall, meaning much greater functionality and some exciting advancements for Ecommerce businesses in the coming months.

Already, the imminent arrival of Magento 2.0 is heralding great things for B2B Ecommerce as well as B2C retail, the greater responsiveness and scalability building on the strengths of Magento 1.

Peter Sheldon, vice president and technology analyst at Forrester Research Inc. says “Magento is one of the jewels in the portfolio, and I would expect the private equity consortium to not only continue with all committed resources but likely increase the resources.”

Whilst Ebay may no longer be Magento’s guiding hand, the increased investment and focus on Magento as the core of a business will allow it to continue dominating the Ecommerce market, and will undoubtedly lead to some revolutionary developments in the future.