Be the Disruptor

The predicted value of the 2016 Ecommerce market in the UK is £156.67 billion*,

A figure expected to rise as ever increasing numbers head to the internet first for their purchasing decisions and information. This dramatic and ongoing shift away from traditional in-store shopping has created a race to build a complete Omnichannel retailer.

Big players Google and Facebook have recently made strides into Ecommerce. Facebook Marketplace blends social media with a commercial base, taking advantage of the sharing environment to drive impulse sales through the shared experiences of friends; cutting out the important step between desires and wish fulfilment. Google is going one step further by pioneering a ‘one-click’ approach to shopping, in which the search engine generates a buy now button directly next to search results, removing user experience and brand awareness as factors altogether, potentially creating a market completely dominated by price. Good news for customers, disastrous news for small or unestablished retailers.

This kind of disruptive influence to the status quo will change marketing and retailing dramatically, leaving those who fail to adapt behind. But don’t despair just yet – and don’t fear disruptive developments, instead, embrace them. You will never realistically match up to the sheer muscle of Google and Facebook, but you can follow their ideas and be the disruptive element in your immediate sector.

Take the fight to the competition by being the first to plunge into this new world. Revolutionise your business to take flight on the mobile and online market. Be innovative and original, put customers first and strive for headlines.

Be the disruptor.

67% of consumers rate user experience of an Ecommerce website as a deciding factor whilst making purchases, and the general public are becoming accustomed to having extreme accessibility on their favourite retail websites. They expect the option for 1-day delivery, they want to see customer reviews and they want to be able to pay with Paypal or through a dedicated app. They want to shop on their phones or tablets with responsive and intuitive websites or apps. Over 24% of people expect to be able to pay for goods and services through wearable technology in the next 12 months.

Despite Google’s plans for a 1-click system, user experience has never been more important. You must cultivate an atmosphere of trust and excitement and deliver it in a tightly built and intuitively designed system of apps and websites to remain competitive in an Omnichannel environment.

Above all, you must not be afraid to innovate and embrace the new role technology plays in retail. In store, to be a disruptor is to experiment and find new ways of delivering a remarkable shopping experience. In-store technology should not be an afterthought but an integral part of the shopping process. Virtual assistants, in-app style guides, stock checkers and iBeacons (which use your location to send you targeted marketing, special offers and user generated content such as reviews and posts) will soon dominate the high street. The first to twist this disrupting factor to their advantage will gain a huge, game-changing edge over their nearest competitors.